2024's Best Summer Blockbuster Movie Now Streaming - 91% rating on Rotten Tomatoes

2024's Best Summer Blockbuster Movie Now Streaming - 91% rating on Rotten Tomatoes

When I first heard that a sequel to Twister was being made, I was a bit skeptical The original film, with its then groundbreaking special effects and intense storm-chasing sequences, had a powerful impact on me as a young man who wanted to chase tornadoes (yes, it was my pure passion) It's still one of my favorite movies to watch when I need nostalgia and pure adrenaline

So the idea of revisiting that world a few years later made me eager, but also cautiously wonder if lightning would strike twice But when I saw “Twisters” in the cinema, I was pleasantly surprised to find that it held its own as a modern-day disaster epic And I was literally taken aback

Now that it is streaming on Video on Demand, I am even more eager to see it again Whether you're a fan of the original or a newbie to the franchise, this movie is a must-see And be sure to check out the best new movies you should be streaming this week The film is full of thrilling action, surprisingly heartfelt scenes, and tension-building imagery

Not interested in this blockbuster disaster movie Check out our top 5 disaster movies like “Twisters” instead, or if you're looking for more oomph, don't miss this sci-fi action film before it streams on Netflix

Buy or Rent “Twisters” on Amazon
