A new Star Wars series is coming to Disney Plus. The streaming service has ordered "Star Wars: The Bad Batch," an animated show that will be a spin-off of the recently concluded "The Clone Wars." [Star Wars: The Bad Batch" follows the "Bad Batch," an elite, experimental clone force first introduced in "The Clone Wars." Genetically distinct from their brothers in the clone army, the unique unit is trying to find their way in a galaxy rapidly changing in the aftermath of the Clone Wars.
Each member of the Bad Batch is a highly effective soldier and formidable crew with special skills, such as enhanced vision and enhanced physical strength. In the post-Clone Wars era, they are challenged to take on daring mercenary missions as they struggle to survive and find a new purpose. In short, "Star Wars: The Bad Batch" is a story between "The Clone Wars" and "Star Wars: Rebels."
Dave Filoni, executive producer of The Mandalorian, is one of the Bad Batch EPs. Filoni plays an important role in Star Wars storytelling. Brad Lau ("Star Wars Rebels") is the show's supervising director and Jennifer Corbett ("Star Wars Resistance") is the head writer.
"It is an honor for Disney+ to bring the final chapter of 'Star Wars: The Clone Wars' to new and existing fans alike, and we are overjoyed at the global response to this groundbreaking series," Disney+ Senior Vice President of Content Agnes Chu said. The Clone Wars is now complete, but our partnership with the groundbreaking storytellers and artists at Lucasfilm Animation has only just begun. We are excited to bring Dave Filoni's vision to life through The Bad Batch's next adventure.
The Bad Batch is Disney Plus' latest Star Wars television project. Season 2 of The Mandalorian is scheduled for release this fall. In addition, a Cassian Andor spinoff of Rogue One and an Obi-Wan Kenobi show are in the works. There is also a female-centric Star Wars series in development by Lesley Headland, co-creator of Russian Doll.
Here's everything we know about Star Wars: The Bad Batch:
Star Wars: The Bad Batch will be released in 2021 on Disney Plus. No specific month or season is known, but it will be in late 2021.
Because The Bad Batch is an animated film, it is not subject to the societal distance requirements arising from the coronavirus pandemic that shut down much of Hollywood's film and television production.
Disney Plus has not revealed the voice cast for The Bad Batch.
The show is set between Clone Wars and Rebels, so actors from either series could appear.
Matt Lanter as Anakin Skywalker, James Arnold Taylor as Obi-Wan Kenobi, Ashley Eckstein as Ahsoka Tano, Freddie Prinze Jr. as Kanan Jarras, and Forest Whitaker as Saw Gerrera. Possibly include.
The Bad Batch focuses on Clone Force 99, which was introduced at the beginning of Clone Wars season 7. Each of the elite clones possesses genetically enhanced skills.
"The Bad Batch itself, [George Lucas] got it all right," Filoni told Entertainment Weekly. He wanted to explore the idea of there being clones that were a little more unique from each other, like special forces with enhanced skills." So the trick with those characters is to make their abilities feel special. The Wrecker should not be the Hulk. Even if you love the Hulk and those kinds of stories. That's not what Star Wars is about. So we had to fit it all into the reality that is Star Wars."
A team of elite fighters with unique and special skills? Lucasfilm seems to have taken a cue from its sibling company, Marvel.