"The Mandalorian" Season 2 will begin soon. This Disney Plus series returns with more action-packed adventures for the titular bounty hunter and The Child (aka the adorable Baby Yoda). But in addition to these adventures, we expect to get some answers from Mandalorian Season 2.
"The Mandalorian" has captivated viewers with a Western take on the Star Wars universe. The story was about a Mandalorian bounty hunter, Din Jarin (Pedro Pascal), who inadvertently takes on the protection of "The Child". The little one looks like a baby version of Yoda, and his Force abilities are similar, albeit immature. No wonder he was an extremely valuable target for the imperial remnants.
Now that the Mandalorian world and its key characters have been established, season two will expand and deepen the show's mythology. Mando and Baby Yoda will discover new faces, new planets, and new problems. But they will also encounter people and places familiar to Star Wars fans.
Here are the top five burning questions we want answered in "The Mandalorian" Season 2.
"The Mandalorian" already references a lot of the Star Wars canon. Mando and Baby Yoda visit Tatooine, the Jawas give the bounty hunters a bit of trouble, and the continued presence of stormtroopers shows that the Empire still controls parts of the galaxy.
However, "The Mandalorian" Season 2 may incorporate more Star Wars lore by introducing known characters from the animated "Clone Wars" series. Rosario Dawson has been rumored for months to play Ahsoka Tano, who was Anakin Skywalker's Padawan apprentice. This would be Ahsoka's first live-action role in the Star Wars franchise.
The reason for Ahsoka's appearance is that Mando is on a mission to find Baby Yoda's fellow Jedi. After the carnage of Imperial Order 66, not many are left. But in the time frame of the show, Ahsoka is out there somewhere.
One more piece of casting news: according to The Hollywood Reporter, Temuera Morrison will appear in "The Mandalorian" Season 2. Morrison played Jango Fett in 2002's "Star Wars: Attack of the Clones" and is said to be playing the notorious bounty hunter Boba Fett.
In one of the trailers, Mando says, "If you know where the other Mandalorians are, they will lead you." That may be why we meet Boba Fett, who knows quite a bit about the Jedi. He has seen Luke Skywalker (who is still alive at this time) in action and has served Darth Vader.
In the Season 1 finale, Mando and Baby Yoda barely escaped the clutches of Moff Gideon (Giancarlo Esposito) when he crashed in a TIE Fighter. He survived, however, and emerged from the wreckage using his dark saber.
Mandalore's legendary weapon has found its way into the hands of several people, including Darth Maul, Sabine Wren, and Bo-Katan Kryze. In Star Wars: Rebels, Sabine gave the Darksaber to Bo-Katan in hopes of uniting the Mandalorian clans.
So how did the Darksaber get from Bo-Katan to Moff Gideon? I have a feeling that it has something to do with the "Great Purge" of Mandalore, aka "The Night of a Thousand Tears." Did Gideon receive weapons as spoils of the Great Purge?
There are rumors that Katee Sackhoff from "Battlestar Galactica" has been cast as Bo-Katan in "The Mandalorian" Season 2.
In the trailer for The Mandalorian season 2, Mando's ship is seen alongside the New Republic's X-wing. Are they escorting or pursuing the Razor Crest? In Season 1, Episode 6, Mando participated in a heist to free prisoners from a New Republic transport ship. Surely they are not too happy about that.
Mando does not like the Empire (especially after the standoff with Moff Gideon), but he is not loyal to the New Republic either. I have not heard good things from former shock trooper and friend Carla Dune (Gina Carano). And Mando, in general, does not like to be told what to do.
Baby Yoda is called "The Child" in both the Universe and Disney, and we don't even know if it is male or female (or even non-binary). But until "The Child" has a real name, we will all call him "Baby Yoda". Come on, Mando, you are their new father now. Give them a name.