It appears that the next version of iOS will discontinue two beloved iPhone models. According to a new report from French site iPhoneSoft, the upcoming iOS 15 will end support for the iPhone 6s and earlier. This includes the iPhone 6s Plus and the original iPhone SE (not the iPhone SE (2020), which Apple released last year, but the one introduced in 2016).
According to sources working at Apple's Plan app, employees are being sent notes about which models will not be supported in the upcoming iOS 15, which is expected to go into public beta in June.
The iPhone 6s was originally released in September 2015. Our reviewers praised its 3D Touch feature, fast A9 processor, and solid camera. However, its processor and design were eclipsed by newer models with larger displays, Face ID, and spectacular mobile cameras. [iPhoneSoft predicts that the iPad Air 2, released in 2014, the iPad mini 4, released in 2015, and the 5th generation iPad, also released in 2015, will be excluded from the iPadOS 15 update, which will be released simultaneously with iOS 15.
Granted, the iPad is not an essential everyday item and will likely run fine on iOS 14 for years to come. However, for those who want to upgrade, both the iPad Pro 2020 and iPad Air 2020 are excellent devices.
The next iOS 15 beta is expected to be released this June, with a consumer launch set between August and October. It is unclear what features Apple plans to include in the new OS, but it is possible that existing apps will receive feature adjustments and an increased focus on AR.