Google Maps on Android has finally added a split-screen mode for Street View. This means that users of smartphones such as the Samsung Galaxy S21 and Google Pixel 5 can now navigate the real world without losing their location on the map.
According to Reddit users who received the upgrade, the new split-screen Google Maps mode is now rolling out to Android devices. Prior to that, split view was only available on the web version of Google Maps.
Google Maps has improved considerably over the past few years, but sometimes it is not always easy to find the final location if you are not familiar with the land. Street View is a great help in such cases, but using it on mobile always meant losing the view of the map. With this update to the Android app, Google will allow you to see both at the same time.
This split view not only lets you see exactly where you are looking on the map, but you can also navigate the street view by tapping new points on the map. No more swiping the screen to navigate your way.
All you need to do to see Street View in split-screen is switch to Street View mode and tap the appropriate location on the map; Google Maps will automatically open Street View and you will not lose view of the map itself. It can also be used in landscape mode.
If you want to see only the Street View photo, tap the full-screen button on the right side of the screen and the map will disappear. Tap it again to restore it.
Google is currently rolling out this feature to Android users. If you have all your apps up to date, as I did when I checked my Android phone, chances are this feature is already live. no word yet on whether or when this feature will be available to iOS users.