WhatsApp has been releasing a lot of great features lately, and the momentum doesn't seem to be slowing down yet, as the latest big feature coming to the WhatsApp messaging platform is one that will make receiving videos less annoying.
According to WABetaInfo, WhatsApp will allow users to mute videos when sharing them with friends.
Muting a video is easy. Simply start sharing the video with your contacts as usual and press the speaker button on the edit page. It is at the top of the page, under the normal editing options. Then send the video.
Doing so removes the audio from the video as it is sent, allowing the recipient to see what is happening without forcing those around them to listen. That is if they don't have headphones.
Unfortunately, there is no way to toggle the sound when a muted video is sent, which is not surprising since WhatsApp video does not allow you to mute noisy videos sent by others. [This feature has already been activated and is currently available to WhatsApp beta users. If you are a member of the beta testing program, this feature may be waiting for you as it is for me.
It may be some time before this feature is reflected in the stable version of WhatsApp that anyone can download. please check to see if there is room in the WhatsApp beta. the iOS beta is full, but check the TestFlight page periodically to see if there is room. Please check back periodically on the TestFlight page to see if there are any openings. Similarly, you can join the Android beta on Google Play.
The only question is whether such a feature will stem the migration from WhatsApp to rival services, as WhatsApp has been in the midst of a privacy Since the policy issue, it has witnessed a mass exodus of users. In the aftermath, both Signal and Telegram have gained large numbers of users, forcing WhatsApp to go into damage control and emphasize that WhatsApp truly values privacy.
If you are not interested in these new features and are thinking about leaving, check out our list of the best WhatsApp alternatives and choose the one that is right for you.